I really enjoy using moxa in conjunction with acupuncture. Did you know that the characters in Chinese for acupuncture literally mean needle and fire? Fire here means moxibustion (moxa for short) the burning of the artemesia plant on or above the body and needle moxa, patients’ favorite, in which a compacted ball of moxa is burned on the handle of the needle. This provides a deep heat that patients love – great for boosting the adrenals when done on the low back.
Moxa has been scientifically proven to increase both red and white blood cell count, increase cellular immunity, as well as regulate blood sugar levels, a boon for diabetic patients. This pertains to direct moxa, when a “grain” of moxa is burned directly on the skin.
Here are just a few of the benefits of receiving moxa; disorders are more quickly rectified, greater pain relief, deeper states of relaxation and enhanced vitality. Many patients report that various markers in their blood work show improvement, such as TSH and glucose levels after a course of treatments.
Many patients say that the use of moxa greatly enhances the efficacy of their treatments. I feel that receiving acupuncture without the use of moxa is like trying to swim without the medium of water. Moxa is soothing yet energizing. When your Qi is running on empty, moxa is a great way to refuel. I often give simple moxa “homework” to my patients to enhance their well-being and expedite the healing process.